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About us


Founded in August of 2000, One-Way Evangelistic Ministries is a multifaceted local, national, and global outreach ministry.  We have shared the Gospel with thousands of people--from Native Americans to inner-city kids, through backyard programs to community outreaches. We serve throughout the Plains and Midwest United States and locally in Cheyenne, Wyoming in nursing/assisted living homes, the community college, the jail, detention center, churches, etc.


Beyond our borders, we lead short-term mission trips to Trinidad, West Indies, Guyana, South America, Belize, Central America, and England. We secure long-term follow-up by working with local churches and have placed long-term missionaries within the countries.


As a parachurch organization, we partner with churches to provide evangelistic support by leading US-based and international mission trips for churches and by bringing evangelistic programs to them. 


Our Mission is to present the Lord Jesus Christ as the world's only Savior, exclusively, unequivocally, and uncompromisingly. The premise of this is founded upon John 14:6:   Jesus said unto him, "I am the way, the truth and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me."



​One-Way is a faith-based, nonprofit, religious organization recognized by the IRS (officially, a 501c3). All of our ministries, programs, and missionaries are funded by partners who join with us to financially support this work. All gifts of support are receipted and may be tax deductible.

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© 2023 by One-Way Evangelistic Ministries, Cheyenne, WY. 

One-Way is a faith-based, nonprofit, religious organization recognized by the IRS (officially, a 501c3). All of our ministries, programs, and missionaries are funded by partners who join with us to financially support this work. All gifts of support are receipted and may be tax deductible.

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